About Acne Treatment
REGEN AESTHETICS uses both laser treatments and skin care regimens to help improve the appearance of your skin affected by acne. Acne vulgaris is one of the most common dermatologic conditions and affects the clear majority of people at some point during their lifetime.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) and lasers reduce inflammatory acne lesions. These devices are thought to target underlying pathogenic factors such as Propionibacterium acnes colonization, increased sebaceous gland activity, and the cutaneous inflammatory response. Lasers have a central role in the management of acne scarring, which tends to be refractory to medical therapies.
Scarring is a common complication of acne for which patients seek laser treatment. The Nd: YAG 1064nm laser is a proven non-ablative acne scar reduction treatment option.
At REGEN AESTHETICS each acne treatment regimen is customized based on your skin care consultation assessment to give you the best results unique to your skin and its needs. This may involve medical management, topical skin care treatment, IPL, laser treatment or possibly a combination of these treatments.
REGEN AESTHETICS chemical peels are available not only to women, but also to discerning men.
Contact our skin care specialist today. REGEN THE SKIN YOU’RE IN.
Regen Aesthetics
Tel: 604-500-7865
Email: info@regenaesthetics.ca
The Klinic – Suite 101, 22190 48 Ave
Langley, B.C. V3A 3N5